Prevalence of dermatoses among the tribal children studying in residential schools of South Chhattisgarh, India

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:2018
Authors:Y. Upendra, Sendur, S., Keswani, N., Pallava, A.
Journal:Indian Journal of Paediatric Dermatology
Pagination:15 - 20
Keywords:Dermatoses, Prevalence, residential school, tribal area

Introduction: Dermatoses are common among schoolgoing children and lead to significant morbidity. Objective: The present study was conducted to find the prevalence of various dermatoses in children studying in residential schools of remote tribal areas. Materials and Methods: A cross‐sectional study was conducted on 1943 children studying in eight residential government schools over a period of 2 months (August and September 2016). Diagnosis of various dermatoses was made on the basis of detailed clinical examination and necessary investigations. Data analysis done by SPSS version 21.0 and Chi‐square test was used to analyze categorical variables. Results: The prevalence of dermatoses was 72.1%. Majority had single skin lesion. Among infections and infestations, scabies (13.6%), pediculosis capitis (9.2%), and pyoderma (7.5%) were most prevalent. Among the noninfective conditions, xerosis (32.63%), pityriasis alba (18.9%), acne (8.6%), and atopic dermatitis were most prevalent. The prevalence of pyoderma, tinea corporis, pityriasis versicolor, scabies, and xerosis was higher in boys while pediculosis capitis and pityriasis alba were more prevalent in girls. The prevalence of xerosis, pityriasis alba, and phrynoderma was higher in primary school students while tinea corporis, scabies, acne, and pediculosis capitis were more prevalent in high school students. Conclusions: The burden of dermatoses in residential school children is very high. Health education of children, teachers, and caregivers regarding signs and symptoms of dermatoses is warranted for early detection and timely intervention. There is urgent need to address dermatoses under school health program.

Short Title:Indian J Paediatr Dermatol
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