Pubic lice infestation in man from Mhow, Madhya Pradesh

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:2018
Authors:M. Shakya, Jayraw, A. K., Singh, M.
Journal:Journal of Parasitic Diseases
Pagination:402 - 404
Date Published:Sept 2018
Keywords:human louse, Madhya Pradesh (India)

Worldwide, 2–10% of human population is infested with pubic lice which are mostly found in the hair of pubic area, occasionally under the armpits, in the beard or mustache and on the eyebrows and eyelashes. They are usually transmitted through sexual contact or through toilet seats and bedding material. A twenty-year-old boy suffer- ing from severe itching in the genital region during night hours submitted the lice for their identification in Depart- ment of Veterinary Parasitology, College of Veterinary Science and Animal Husbandry, Mhow. These lice were identified as Phthirus pubis.

Short Title:J Parasit Dis
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