Phthirus pubis Infestation of the Scalp: A Case Report and Review of The Literature

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:2018
Authors:S. Veraldi, Pontini, P., Nazzaro, G.
Journal:The Korean Journal of Parasitology
Pagination:487 - 489
Date Published: Oct 2018
ISSN:0023-4001 (print) 1738-0006 (online)
Keywords:Publis, scalp

Phthirus pubis usually infests the pubis, groin, buttocks and perianal region. It can sometimes infest the thighs, abdomen, chest, axillae and beard. Eyelashes and eyebrows may be involved in children. The involvement of the scalp is very rare. We describe a case of P. pubis infestation located exclusively on the scalp in an adult woman. Neither lice/nits nor skin lesions were observed elsewhere, including eyebrows, eyelashes, axillae, pubis, buttocks and perianal region (the patient was hairless in the axillae and pubis). A review of the literature is enclosed.

Short Title:Korean J Parasitol
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