Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:2017
Authors:A. Shevchenko, Slobodian R.
Journal:EUREKA: Health Sciences
Pagination:69 - 76
Date Published:Sep 2019
Keywords:Bovicola (syn. Damalinia) bovis, Calves, cattle, ectoparasites, EktosanTM, insecticides, Mallophagans or chewing lice, techniques of treatment, Ukraine.

These researches were carried out on the use of insecticide for infected animals, depending on its quantity (volume), shape and disperse of the drop during spraying. We used the solution of EktosanTM (LTD “Brovapharma”, Ukraine) in dilution 1:1000, with spraying of external usage twice, against Bovicola bovis Linnaeus, 1758, (Trichodectidae, Mallophaga) spontaneous infected lactating dairy cows of 4−8 years of age and young cattle aged 4−6 to 12 months during 2009−2010 in the State breeding farm “Ploskivske”, Kyiv region, and in February-March, 2012 in the private farm “Volyn”, Rivne region of Ukraine. A total number of 464 hosts (cows and calves) were examined, out of which 356 animals or 76.72 % were infected by B. bovis. − Efficacy of three techniques of cattle treatment with insecticide was studied. The time-indexes (time-consuming) for treatment and prophylactic ma- nipulations of animals were investigated and recorded.
100 % efficiency of three techniques with full-volume system sprayer (2000 cm3/animal), medium-volume sprayer (250 cm3/animal) and low-volume sprayer or fine-dispersed atomizer (100 cm3 /animal) was established.
According to the work time consuming, the least time for animals’ treatment technique spraying was spent by using a disin- fection full-volume system sprayer “DUK”. Full time of this manipulation has taken 33 minutes. The most labor-intensive technique was with using a manual low-volume sprayer “Rosynka”. The work by this technique has taken 58 minutes, and was by 43.1 and 23.3 % minutes more in comparing to full-volume system and medium-volume system sprayers.
The medium-volume system spraying technique for animals was more economically expedient, in accordance for employees’ labor expenses and EktosanTM insecticide price.

Short Title:Eureka: HS
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