Parasitic infestation in Peafowl of Bahawalpur Zoo, Punjab, Pakistan

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:2014
Authors:A. Khursheed, Sial, N., Malik, S., Lashari, M. Hussain
Journal:Standard Scientific Research and Essays
Pagination:401 - 405
ISSN:2310 - 7502
Keywords:parasites, parasitic infestation, peafowl's

The present study was conducted to find out the Parasitic infestation in peafowl of Bahawalpur Zoo from May 2011 to April 2012. Different methods were used to collect and identify the parasites in peafowl. About 30.7% of peafowl's were infected with external parasitic infestation. Menacanthus stramineus 12.19% was found to be high prevalent. It was revealed that Blue peafowl (pavo criatatus) was mostly 36.66 % suspected to parasitic infestation followed by Green java (pavo muticus) 29.26 %. Mixed parasites were found in majority of peafowl but louse were highly prevailed.

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