Head lice infestations: A clinical update

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:2018
Authors:C. Cummings, Finlay, J. C., MacDonald, N.
Journal:Paediatrics & Child Health
Pagination:e18 - e24
Date Published:02-2019
Keywords:Dimeticone solution, head lice, Infestations, Isopropyl myristate/cyclomethicone solution, Permethrin; Pyrethrin.

Head lice (Pediculus humanus capitis) infestations are not a primary health hazard or a vector for dis- ease, but they are a societal problem with substantial costs. Diagnosis of head lice infestation requires the detection of a living louse. Although pyrethrins and permethrin remain first-line treatments in Canada, isopropyl myristate/ST-cyclomethicone solution and dimeticone can be considered as sec- ond-line therapies when there is evidence of treatment failure.

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