A new species of Saemundssonia and new records of quadraceps species (Phthiraptera: Ischnocera: Philopteridae) found on some Philippine charadriiform birds

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:2018
Authors:S. L. Eduardo
Journal:Philippine Journal of Veterinary Medicine
Pagination:115 - 126
Date Published:07-2018
Keywords:charadriiform birds, Chewing lice, new location, New records, new species, Saemundssonia philippine

Chewing lice collected at different periods from some Philippine charadriiform birds namely, Rostratula benghalensis benghalensis (Rostratulidae), Lymnocryptes minimus, Actitis hypoleucos and Tringa totanus eurhinus (Scolopacidae) were processed for microscopic examination (cleaned in 10% KOH solution, dehydrated in increasing grades of ethyl alcohol, cleared in oil of cloves, mounted in Canada balsam) and carefully examined for species identification. These revealed a new species of Saemundssonia herein described, illustrated and named as S. philippina from R. b. benghalensis. Two previously known species of Quadraceps, Q. quadrisetaceus and Q. birostris from R. b. benghalensis, L. minimus, A. hypoleucos and T. totanus eurhinus, respectively are redescribed and illustrated based on the present Philippine materials. Additional features of these species not given in previous literature description are provided. Saemundssonia philippina is characterized and differentiated from closely related species of the genus. The genus Saemundssonia is recorded for the first time in Rostratula b. benghalensis, a new host record for the genus. Quadraceps quadrisetaceus and Q. birostris are reported for the first time in the Philippines. The occurrence of the former species on L. minimus and A. hypoleucos, and the latter on Tringa totanus eurhinus constitute new host records for these species. © 2018 University of the Philippines at Los Banos. All rights reserved.

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