Insecta: Phthiraptera

Publication Type:Book Chapter
Year of Publication:2018
Authors:P. Chatterjee, Payra, A., Sen, S.
Editor:K. Chandra, Gupta, D., Gopi, K. C., Tripathy, B., Kumar, V.

Order Phthiraptera includes 466 species from India out of 5,136 species known globally. A total of 130 species belonging to 38 genera and 8 families has been listed in the present checklist from the Indian Himalaya. The Central Himalaya (2C) showed the maximum number of species (62) present in the Himalaya, followed by the North-West Himalaya (47), West Himalaya (45), Ladakh Mountains (42), Tibetan Plateau (32) and East Himalaya (14). Phthirapterans are host specific, and mostly they live on a single species. Therefore, their distribution and threats are related to that of their hosts.

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