Ectoparasites and Gastro-Intestinal Helminths of Black-Billed Wood Dove (Turtur abyssinicus) and Vinaceous Dove (Streptopelia vinacea) Hartlaub and Finsch 1870 in Zaria, Nigeria.

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:2009
Authors:K. L. Adang, Oniye, S. J., Ezealor, A. U., Abdu, P. A., Ajanusi, O. J., Yoriyo, K. P.
Journal:The Pacific Journal of Science and Technology
Pagination:850 - 856
Keywords:ectoparasites, gastrointestinal helminths, Nigeria, Prevalence, Zaria

A total sample of 50 birds consisting of 40 Black- billed Wood Doves (Turtur abyssinicus) and 10 Vinaceous Doves (Streptopelia vinacea) Hartlaud and Finsch 1870 trapped from the wild in Zaria, Nigeria, were examined for ectoparasites and gastro-intestinal helminths, to determine the prevalence, intensity, and mean intensity of infestation and infection. The bodies of the birds were brushed onto a white sheet of paper placed in a tray for the collection of ectoparasites, while the gastro-intestinal tracts of the birds were examined for helminths.

Three species of ectoparasites, Menopon gallinae Linnaeus 1758 1 (2.5%), Columbicola columbae Linnaeus 1758 5 (12.5%), and Argas persicus Oken 1818 2 (5.0%) were collected from Black- billed Wood Dove while Menopon gallinae Linnaeus 1758, 2 (20.0%), Columbicola columbae Linnaeus 1758 19 (10.0%), and Pseudolynchia canariensis Macquart 1840 1 (10.0%) were collected from Vinaceous Dove.

Single and double infestations were found in 6 (15.0%) and 1 (2.5%) birds respectively in Black- billed Wood Dove, while only double type infestations were found in 2 (20.0%) Vinaceous Doves.

The sex-specific infestation rates were 5 (20.8%) in males and 2 (12.5%) in females in Black-billed Wood Dove and 1 (25.0%) in males and 1 (16.7%) in females in Vinaceous Dove. There was no significant difference (P> 0.05) in the infestation rates between the sexes.

Five species of cestodes were collected from the gastro-intestinal tracts of Black-billed Wood Doves and three from Vinaceous Doves. The cestodes were Raillietina tetragona Molin, 1858 1 (2.5%), Raillietina cesticillus Molin, 1858 4 (10.0%), R. magninumida Jones, 1930 3 (7.5%), R. echinobothrida Megnin, 1881 5 (12.5%), Amoebotaenia cuneata Linstow, 1872 1 (2.5%), and R. cesticillus Molin, 1858 2 (20.0%), Hymenolepis carioca Magalhaes, 1898 1 (10.0%) and Hymenolepis cantaniana Polonio, 1860 1 (10.0%), respectively.

Only a single infection type was observed in Black-billed Wood Dove while Vinaceous Dove had single and double infections in the order 2 (20.0%) and 1 (10.0%), respectively. The sex- specific infection rates were 11 (45.8%) in males and 3 (18.8%) in females in Black-billed Wood Dove and 1 (25.0%) in males and 2 (33.3%) in females in Vinaceous Dove.

This study implicated the Black-billed Wood Dove and the Vinaceous Dove as a probable definitive host of some ectoparasites and helminths.

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Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith