Identify the biting lice attacking the chickens in Arbil governorate

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:2007
Authors:R. A. Aliraqi, Amin K. A. H.
Journal:Iraqi Journal of Veterinary Sciences
Pagination:13 - 21

This study was conducted to identify the biting lice attacking the chickens in twenty locations within Arbil governorate. Results showed that the chickens were infested with six species of lice that are chicken body lice (Menacanthus stramineus), feather shaft lice (Menopon gallinae), chicken head lice(Cuclotogaster heterographus) ,fluff lice(Goniocotes galline ), large chicken lice(Goniodes gigas)and wing lice(Lipeurus caponis), but the chicken body lice is the dominant species in all locations with a percentage of 58.41% of the total infested chickens. The results revealed that the infestation by the lice on one chicken different between single, double, triple and multiple and the single infestation was the common in the most location and it was 66.25% while it was 28.75, 3.75 and 1.25% in double, tripleand multiple infections respectively.

Short Title:IJVS
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