Antennal sensilla of head of poultry shaft louse, Menopon gallinae (Phthiraptera, Insecta, Menoponidae, Amblycera)

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:2012
Authors:S. Arya, Singh S. K.
Journal:Journal of Applied and Natural Science
Pagination:196 - 199
Date Published:12-2012
Keywords:Antennal sensilla, Poultry louse, scanning electron microscopy

Phthirapteran ectoparasites (lice) are very small arthropodan creature which spend their life on different mammalian and avian host body. Many morphological features of these tiny creatures are not visible under simple microscopic study and hence scanning electron microscopic (SEM) study is required for specific details. Antennal sensillum is also one of the special features located on anterior part of the head of the louse. The present study on the sample specimen of poultry louse, Menopon gallinae (Phthiraptera : Amblycera) showed presence of a small, ovoid scape and pedicel (broad cup-like structure having narrower base) seen in antennal sensilla under SEM. In addition to sensory setae, sense organ was present on terminal segment. Tuft organ contain 6/7 small peg like structure. Pit organ was also visible at the sub-terminal area of fourth segment. Presence of any structure resembling coeloconic chaemo-receptor was not observed on any flagellar sub-segment of M. gallinae.

Short Title:JANS
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