Comparative Study of Ectoparasites of Exotic and Locally Bred Dogs in IkotEkpene Local Government Area, Niger-Delta Region of Nigeria

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:2017
Authors:I. A. Atting, Etim, N. J., Ebere, N.
Journal:International Journal of Science and Research
Pagination:760 - 764
Keywords:Canisfamiliaris, ectoparasites, exotic and locally bred dogs, Rhipicephalussanguineus, ticks

This study was conducted to identify, quantify and compare the species of ectoparasites and also their prevalence in exotic and locally bred dogs in IkotEkpene Local Government Area, Akwa Ibom State Nigeria. The study was carried out in company of a Veterinary Doctor in the town as part of a routine treatment plan to homes with dogs. The collected ectoparasites were preserved in 70% ethanol. Ticks 107(94.6%) were greater in number amongst the ectoparasites. Rhipicephalussanguineus was identified as the major species of tick infesting dogs in IkotEkpene LGA. Higher prevalence of ectoparasites were found on locally bred dogs than in the exotic dogs. No fleas and mites were found in the companion dogs. There was a significant difference based on the predilection sites. No significant difference was observed on the type of tick species infestation between the exotic and locally bred dogs as they all harbour the same species. The main factors influencing the dogs’ tick infestation in this study were probably the environment and degree of freedom of the companion dogs. To contain these ectoparasites (especially ticks) regular application of ascaricides, grooming and restriction of movement, especially in peak periods of the infestation are recommended.

Short Title:IJSR
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