A new species of kiwi (Aves, Apterygiformes) from Okarito, New Zealand

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:2003
Authors:A. J. D. Tennyson, Palma, R. L., Robertson, H. A., Worthy, T. H., Gill, B. James
Journal:Records of the Auckland Museum
Pagination:55 - 64
Keywords:Apterygiformes, Apteryx rowi, kiwi, new species, new zealand, Okarito

The distinctiveness of the brown kiwi population at Okarito, West Coast, South Island, has been documented by morphological, parasitological, field, and genetic data in this and other studies. We formally describe and name this taxon as Apteryx rowi. This action aims to forestall use and repetition of recently-published nomina nuda, and also provides a valid scientific name for a critically endangered population.

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