Ecto-and Endo-parasites of domestic birds in Owan west, east and Akoko-Edo in Edo state of Nigeria

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:2018
Authors:E. U. Edosomwan, Igetei E. J.
Journal:International Journal of Zoology Studies
Pagination:28 - 35
Date Published:09-2018
Keywords:Anas sparsa, Columbia livie, Domestic birds, ecto-and endo-parasites, feeding habits, Gallus gallus domestica, parasitic infections

Parasites are major cause of low productivity in poultry resulting in poor health, stunted growth, low productivity and yield of birds especially those reared in free-range. Twenty-three (23) live domestic birds comprising of 13 chickens (Gallus gallus domesticus), 6 ducks (Anas sparsa), and 4 pigeons  (Columba livia) distributed across 3 Local Government Council Areas (LGAs) in Owan West, East and Akoko-Edo of Edo State, Nigeria, was screened for ecto- and endo-parasites. In addition, two hundred (200) faecal samples from 200 domestic birds distributed across the 3 LGAs were investigated for endoparasites. From the 23 live birds, nine species of ectoparasite (Mallophaga-lice), were recovered, of which Menopon gallinae recorded the highest prevalence (23.33%), while Coclutogaster heterographus recorded the least (3.33%). 162 of the 223 birds (23 live birds + 200 faecal samples) investigated were positive for endoparasites recording an overall prevalence of 72.65%. From these hosts, 25 species of endohelminths comprising of 9 species of cestode; 13 species of nematode; 3 species of trematode and some protozoan sporocysts were recovered. Raillietina tetragona recorded the highest overall prevalence (20.40%), while Amidostomum anseris recorded the least with a prevalence of 0.20%. All 13 live chickens (100%) and 2 pigeons (50%) were observed to be infected with endoparasites. They included: 8 species of cestode; 3 species of nematode and a trematode species. R. tetragona recorded the highest overall prevalence (24.69%) while A. anseris recorded the least with a prevalence of 0.94%. A total of 147 (73.50%) of the 200 faecal samples investigated recorded various species of endoparasites. They included: 12 species of nematode (63.39%); 6 species of cestode (29.46%); 2 species of trematode (6.25%) and some unsporulated protozoan sporocysts (0.89%). Heterakis gallinarum recorded the highest prevalence (21.88%) while A. anseris recorded the least (0.45%). These observations showed that the recorded ecto-and endo-parasites are major consequences of the bird’s migratory and unhygienic feeding habits which resulted in poor-health, productivity and even death.

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