Prevalence of Ectoparasites on Small Ruminants in and Around Gondar Town

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:2012
Authors:T. Fentahun, Woldemariam, F., Chanie, M., Berhan, M.
Journal:American-Eurasian Journal of Scientific Research
Pagination:106 - 111
Keywords:goat, Gondar town, Infestation, parasites, Prevalence, sheep

A cross sectional study was conducted from October, 2011 to March, 2012 in and around Gondar town to determine the prevalence and to identify ecto-parasites on small ruminants. A total of 384 small ruminants; sheep (n=273) and goats (n=111) were included in the study. The overall ectoparasite prevalence showed that 301 (78.38%) small ruminants were infested by single or mixed ectoparasites. The most common ectoparasites encountered in order of their predominance were lice (54.6%), flea (35.7), tick (20%), sheep ked (10.6%) and mite (7%). No statistical significant difference (P>0.05) were found between the species of small ruminants and ectoparasites infestations. However, species of small ruminants was significantly associated with sheep ked (p<0.05). The infestation rate of ectoparasites was not statistically different between sex, body condition and age in the whole population of small ruminants. Nevertheless, the analysis showed as if there was statistically significant difference (P<0.05%) in the prevalence of tick with age of small ruminants while it was relatively higher in adult (28.3%) than young (20.4%). Therefore, to reduce high prevalence of ectoparasites and their impacts on the productivity in small ruminants, appropriate and strategic control measure by creating awareness about the importance and control of ectoparasites for farmers is needed.

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