Lousiness in a Nandanam Variety of Turkey (Meleagris gallopavo)

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:2019
Authors:N. Jeyathilakan, Bino_Sundar, S. T., Sangaran, A.
Journal:The Indian Veterinary Journal
Pagination:77 - 79
ISSN:online 0974-9365
Keywords:Turkey lice

The present study records severe lousiness in a Nandanam variety of male turkey maintained in an organized poultry farm. The lice were collected, processed and identied based on morphological characteristics. Coexistence of two species of lice viz., Oxylipeurus polytrape- zius (the slender turkey louse) and Menacan- thus stramineus (Body louse), and was observed along with nymphs, larvae and numerous nits.

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