Notes on the Laboulbeniales (Ascomycetes) from the Czech Republic

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:2006
Authors:W. Rossi, Máca J.
Pagination:110 -124
Keywords:arthropod-associated fungi, fungal distribution, Slovakia, Trenomyces histophthorus

Previous records of Laboulbeniales from the former Czechoslovakia are revised and 24 new records. - are added to the list of species for the Czech Republic. These are: Asaphomyces cholevae Thaxter, Chitonomyces aculeifer Spegazzini, Colonomyces appendiculatus R. K. Benjamin, Corethromyces henrotii Balazuc ex Balazuc, Hydraeomyces halipli (Thaxter) Thaxter, Laboulbenia argutoris Cépède & Picard, L. cristata Thaxter, L. eubradycelli Huldén, L. fasciculata Peyritsch, L. flagellata Peyritsch, L. nana K. Sugiyama, L. notiophili Cépède et Picard, L. pedicellata Thaxter, L. philonthi Thaxter, Monoicomyces athetae Thaxter, Peyritschiella princeps (Thaxter) I. I. Tavares, Rhachomyces canariensis Thaxter, R. furcatus (Thaxter) Thaxter, Rhadinomyces pallidus Thaxter, Rickia peyerimhoffii Maire, Stigmatomyces asteiae W. Rossi & Cesari, S. oecotheae Thaxter, Trenomyces histophthorus Chatton & Picard, and Zodiomyces vorticellarius Thaxter. Euphoriomyces liodivorus (Huggert) I. I. Tavares and Stigmatomyces scaptomyzae Thaxter are reported for the first time from Slovakia and new records of S. scaptomyzae Thaxter from various countries are also given.

Original Publication:An International Journal of Mycology
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