A revision of Strigiphilus (Insecta: Phthiraptera: Philopteridae) from Japan

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:2020
Authors:M. Shimada, Yoshizawa K.
Pagination:501 - 521
Date Published:05-2021
Type of Article:Open Access
Keywords:Chewing lice, Japan, key to species, new species, new synonymy, Otus bakkamoena semitorques, Otus sunia japonicus, redescription, Strigiphilus stenocephalus

The Japanese species of the genus Strigiphilus Mjöberg, 1910 (Insecta: Phthiraptera: Philopteridae) are revised. Six species are recorded, including a new species belonging to the cursitans species-group: Strigiphilus stenocephalus new species, described from the type host Otus bakkamoena semitorques and based on specimens originally identified and reported by Uchida (1949) as Strigiphilus rostratus (Burmeister, 1838). A lectotype for Strigiphilus laticephalus (Uchida, 1949) (type host: Strix aluco yamadae) is designated and redescribed, and this louse species is synonymized under Strigiphilus cursor (Burmeister, 1838). Strigiphilus ceblebrachys (Denny, 1842), S. heterogenitalis Emerson & Elbel, 1957 and S. tuleskovi Balát, 1958 are recorded for the first time in Japan. Also, Strix uralensis and Otus sunia japonicus are recorded as new hosts for Strigiphilus heterogenitalis and S. tuleskovi respectively

Short Title:Zootaxa
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