Isolation and diagnosis ectoparasite from Gallinula chloropus in AL-Diwaniyah city- Iraq

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:2019
Authors:Labdul-kade Al-Ibrahimi, Anah, S. Aziz, Khudhair, Z. Lateef
Journal:Al-Qadisiyah Journal Of Pure Science
ISSN:1997-2490 (P), 2411-3514 (O)
Keywords:ectoparasites, Irag, moorhen

The  current  study  aims to  revealed the   infestation  of   ectoparasites  in Moorhen Gallinula chloropus .A total of 31 Moorhen are  collected  from different areas  of Al-  Diwaniyah city -Iraq   during  the period  from March 2016  to  July  2016 .  After examination,  the  results  showed the  total  infestation   of  ectoparasites is% 87.09 , five species  of  Biting lice  are isolated . They are :Incidifrons.fulica %38.70, Menacanthus stramineus %19.35, M.cornutus %12.90,Incidifrons.sp %12.90,Geniodes. and Gigas %3.22 .

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