Ricordando Cesare Conci (Rovereto 26 aprile 1920 - Milano 11 maggio 2011)

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:2012
Authors:L. Cagnolaro, Leonardi, C., Livi, P.
Journal:Natural History Sciences
Date Published:11-2012
Keywords:Cesare Conci, italian entomologists, Mallophaga, Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Milano, necrology

Biography written in Italian

Riassunto - Si presenta di seguito il profilo biografico e scientifico del prof. Cesare Conci, scomparso l’11 maggio 2011, conservatore della Sezione di Zoologia degli Invertebrati del nostro Museo dal 1957 al 1964 e poi direttore dell’Istituto fino al 1981.
È stata compilata la lista dei taxa descritti da Cesare Conci seguita, in omaggio allo studioso, da quella dei taxa a lui dedicati. Lo scritto si chiude con la bibliografia completa dei suoi lavori.
Parole chiave: Cesare Conci, entomologi italiani, necrologio, Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Milano.

Abstract - In memory of Cesare Conci (Rovereto, April 26th, 1920 – Milano, May 11th, 2011)
The biography and scientific activities of Prof. Cesare Conci are here summarized. Prof. Conci was the curator of invertebrate zoology of our museum from 1957 to 1964; then he became the Director of the same institution until 1981.
He was primarily an entomologist, but he also had a very deep knowledge of natural sciences and contributed to the advancement of Italian speleology and biogeography. He was a skilful researcher both in the lab and in the field, and supported information sharing and collaboration as productive working strategies. Prof. Conci also promoted the scientific associationism that strongly contributed to the diffusion and progress of naturalistic knowledge in the second half of the 20th century.
A list of taxa described by Prof. Conci, as well as one of taxa dedicated to him, and honouring his scientific work, are provided. Finally, all Conci’s publications are reported.

Short Title:Nat Hist Sci
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