Biology and population dynamics of sheep lice: implications for control

Publication Type:Conference Paper
Year of Publication:2001
Authors:P. J. James, Crawford S.
Conference Name:National Conference on Flystrike & Lice IPM Control Strategies
Date Published:2001
Publisher:Tasmanian Institute of Agricultural Research
Conference Location:Launceston, TAS
Keywords:regulation, survival, transmission

Knowledge  of  the  biology  of  the  target  pest  is  essential  to  the  design  of  efficient  control  programs.However, information is lacking on many important aspects of the basic biology of sheep lice (Bovicolaovis) despite recommendations of the need for research in this area from past workshops. In this paperwe  summarise  some  of  the  more  recent  information  on  transmission  and  population  dynamics  of  sheeplice  and  discuss  implications  for  control.  We  also  describe  factors  which  may  regulate  these  processesand highlight some specific areas in which information is required.

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