Arthropod Parasites of Rattus Rattus Frugivoru in Sheep Farming in El- Kawther City, Sohag Region, Egypt

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:2016
Authors:A. E. - A. S. S. Desoky
Journal:Global Journal of Life Sciences and Biological Research
Pagination:1 - 3
Type of Article:Open Access, Research article
Keywords:fleas, hard tick, lice, mites, Rattus rattus frugivorus, white bellied rat.

The white bellied rat, Rattus rattus frugivorus was infested with various species from arthropoda such as fleas & lice (Insecta) and mites & ticks (Acari), from this studied found that two species of fleas were Xenopsylla cheopis & Pulex irritans and two of lice was Haplopleura oenonydis & polyplax spinulosa infested the captured white bellied rat. While The study of ectoparasite from acari show that seven species of mites Amerosieus sp., Ornithonyssus bacoti, Dermanyssus sp., Rhizoglyphus echinopus, Glycyphagus sp., Myocoptes sp., and Tarsonemus sp., and two species of hard tick was Amblyomma sp., and Haemophysalis sp., infested Rattus r. frugivorus which captured from the study area

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