Estudio preliminar sobre helmintos y artropodos del Gallus gallus domesticus en la Provincia de Vadivia, Chile

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:1974
Authors:P. Torres, Franjola, R., Yáñez, L., Díaz, V., González, E., Montecinos, M. I.
Journal:Boletin Chileno de Parasitologia
Date Published:07-1974
Keywords:Gallus gallus domesticus

Paper in Spanish

English title: Preliminary studies of Helminths and Arthropods of Gallus gallus domesticus from Valdivia, Chile

Abstract: A prelinary survey was made to determine species of helminthic and entomologic parasités of fowl (Gallus gallus ilomesticus) from Valdivia (39 - 40' S. lat.) Chile. The survey was carried out between January and March of. 7974. Twrenty birds were studied for helminthic parasites, ancl 37 for arthropodal ectoparasites. All birds examined had one or more species of helminths and/or arthropods. The investigation revealed the presence of the following species: Heterakis gallinae, Ascaridia, galli, Capillaria contorta, Capillaria obsignata, Capillaria caudinflata, Capillaria sp.' Amoebotaenia sphenoides, Menopon gallinae, Goniodes dissimilis, Menacanthus stramineus, Lipeurus caponis, Megninia sp. and Dermanyssus gallinae

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