Prevalence of Ectoparasitic Infections and Other Dermatological Infections and Their Associated Factors among School Children in Gampaha District, Sri Lanka

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:2019
Authors:N. Gunathilaka, Chandrasena, N., Udayanga, L.
Journal:Canadian Journal of Infectious Diseases and Medical Microbiology
Pagination:10 pp
Date Published:03-2019
Type of Article:Article ID 5827124

Skin disorders are one of the commonest conditions among school children in developing countries. ere are only a few published studies available from Sri Lanka on the prevalence of skin disorders. A community-based cross-sectional study was carried out among five government-run schools randomly selected from the district of Gampaha, Sri Lanka, during 2016-2017. A total of 41 students between 5 and 16 years of age were randomly selected from each school. Sociodemographic profile and hygienic behaviors of selected students were assessed using a pretested interviewer-administered questionnaire. Students were examined by a medical officer for the presence of different skin disorders. e chi-squared test of association and binary logistic regression were used for the identification of the significance of socioeconomic factors and hygienic practices among the study participants. A total of 205 school children participated in the study. e commonest skin disorder was pediculosis (42.0%; n = 86), followed by dandruff (8.3%; n = 17), fungal infections (6.8%; n = 14), and scabies (1.5%; n = 3). Almost one-fourth of the study participants (22.9%; n = 30/131) had more than one disorder, majored by Pediculus captis infestation with dandruff. Over one-third (36.1%; n = 74) were free of any skin disorders. e prevalence of skin disorders was significantly high among females (87.3%; n = 110), compared to males (26.6%; n = 21). Presence of long hair, higher family size, and limited number of rooms in the house were risk factors associated with the prevalence of skin disorders. e commonest skin disorder was pediculosis, while scabies and fungal infections were scarce among school children in the district of Gampaha, Sri Lanka. Implementation of health education and monitoring programs at the school level for maintaining the dermal health status of school children is recommended.

Short Title:Canadian Journal of Infectious Diseases and Medical Microbiology
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