Combined Treatment Modality for Phthiriasis Palpebrarum

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:2019
Authors:C. Mishra, Kim, U., Dheera, M. S.
Journal:Indian Journal of Medical Microbiology
Pagination:296 - 297
Date Published:04-2019
Keywords:Blepharitis, Crab Louse, Phthiriasis palpebrarum

Phthiriasis palpebrarum (PP) is the infestation of eyelids caused by the ectoparasite Phthirus pubis, frequently misdiagnosed as allergic conjunctivitis, blepharitis or dermatitis. There is no standard treatment of choice although various treatment modalities have been described. A 6-year-old male child with PP was successfully treated with local application of 20% fluorescein solution over the eyelashes and eyebrows of both the eyes, followed by the mechanical removal of all parasites and trimming of the eyelashes from the base and application of ophthalmic ointment

Full original web article can be found in this link:;year=2019;volume=37;issu...

Short Title:Indian Journal of Medical Microbiology
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