Efficacy of new herbal shampoos from Garcinia dulcis Kurz, Citrus aurantium L. and Eucalyptus globulus Labill as pediculicides for head lice (Pediculus humans (sic) capitis) control

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:2018
Authors:S. Sittichok, Soonwera M.
Journal:International Journal of Agricultural Technology
Keywords:Citrus aurantium EO, Eucalyptus globulus EO, Garcinia dulcis, Herbal shampoo

Currently, synthetic chemical pediculicides have lost their efficacy due to worldwide increased resistance of head lice to them. Therefore, safe, natural product alternatives are in dire need. This study investigated the efficacy of an herbal shampoo made from Garcinia dulcis (Roxb.) added with either Citrus aurantium EO or Eucalyptus globulus EO against head lice in both in vitro and in vivo tests. In vitro experiment used a filter paper contact method to evaluate the pediculicidal activity of the shampoo at 0.002, 0.003 and 0.006 ml/cm 2 doses (per unit area of petri dish plate) on nymphs and adults of head lice. In vivo trial, the infested children were treated with the shampoo. The results showed either cured or not cured of pediculosis. The main results showed LC50 values against nymphs for G. dulcis + C. aurantium EO shampoo and G. dulcis + E. globulus EO shampoo were 0.00001 and 0.00004 ml/cm 2 , respectively. Those actively against the adults which were 0.7 and 0.9 ml/cm 2 , respectively. In vivo test revealed that G. dulcis + C. aurantium EO shampoo and G. dulcis + E. globulus EO shampoo were the most effective pediculicide, showing 100% cure rate after the 2 nd application, much more effective than the tested chemical pediculicide. It concluded that these shampoos can be highly affected pediculicide alternatives and safe for treating humans

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