Two New Species of Sucking Lice (Psocodea: Phthiraptera: Hoplopleuridae) from Chestnut Mice, Pseudomys gracilicaudatus and Pseudomys nanus (Rodentia: Muridae), in Australia

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:2021
Authors:W. Wang, Durden, L. A., Shao, R.
Journal:Journal of Medical Entomology
Date Published:02-2021
Type of Article:Advance Article
Keywords:Hoplopleura gracilicaudatusa n. sp., Hoplopleura nanusa Wang n. sp., new species, Old Endemic Australian rodents

We describe two new species of sucking lice in the genus Hoplopleura Enderlein, 1904 (Psocodea: Phthiraptera: Hoplopleuridae) from Australia: Hoplopleura gracilicaudatusa n. sp. from the eastern chestnut mouse Pseudomys gracilicaudatus (Gould) (Rodentia: Muridae), and Hoplopleura nanusa n. sp. from the western chestnut mouse Pseudomys nanus (Gould) (Rodentia: Muridae). Pseudomys Gray is the most speciose genus of rodents endemic to Australia with 24 species; however, only two Pseudomys species have been reported previously to be hosts of sucking lice. The description of the new species in the present study doubles the number of sucking louse species known to parasitize Pseudomys mice and increases the total number of sucking louse species known from endemic Australian rodents from 21 to 23. Pseudomys gracilicaudatus and P. nanus are closely related murines that diverged ~1 MYA with distinct and widely separated extant geographic distributions. The two new Hoplopleura species described in the present study share some morphological characters and likely co-evolved and co-speciated with their chestnut mouse hosts.

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