First record of chewing lice Brueelia pyrrhularum Eichler, 1954 (Ischnocera: Philopteridae) on an Eurasian bullfinch, Pyrrhula pyrrhula L in Kushiro, Hokkaido, Japan

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:2021
Authors:T. Yoshino, Asakawa M.
Date Published:09-2021
ISSN:online:1880-8085, print:1345-0662
Keywords:Chewing lice, first geographical record in Japan

A  deceased  male  adult  Eurasian  bullfinch,  Pyrrhula  pyrrhula,  was  collected  in  March  2017  from  Kushiro  Natural  Red-crowned  Crane  Reserve,  Kushiro,  Hokkaido,  Japan.  In  the  post-mortem  examination,  three  adult  chewing  lice  were  obtained  from  the  body  surface.  The  present  specimens  were  identified  as  Brueelia  pyrrhularum  Eichler,  1954  by 
morphological measurements and characteristics. This is the first record of B. pyrrhularum from Japan.

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