Medicinal plants that used as repellent, insecticide and larvicide in Ethiopia

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:2020
Authors:S. Degu, Berihun, A. Meresa, Muluye, R. A., Gemeda, H., Arega, E. Debebe, Amano, A., Woldkidan, S., Abebe, A.
Journal:Pharmacy & Pharmacology International Journal
Date Published:10-2020
Type of Article:Open Access
Keywords:Ethiopia, insecticide, larvicide, medicinal plants, repellant

Plants have been used since ancient times to repel/kill insects throughout the world including Ethiopia. The distribution of knowledge and services of medicinal plants in Ethiopia are hierarchically placed and there is very little ethno botanical documentation on most medicinal species of the country. In order to document the insecticidal/ repellent plants which can use as source for development of new plant based insecticides, repellant and larvicides, this review was initiated. Different ethno botanical publications by different researchers over the past couple of decades and the relevant ethno botanical MSc and PhD theses as well as other botanical sources were reviewed. The review revealed a total of 83 medicinal plants distributed across 49 families and different parts of these plants were used by preparing in different forms.

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