Human Head Lice Infestation In Nigeria: Observations and Review of Relevant Literature

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:2020
Authors:N. A. Enechukwu, Ezejiofor, O. I., Anaje, C. Chioma, Ozoh, G. O., Ogunbiyi, A. O.
Journal:Nigerian Journal of Dermatology

There is an observed increase in the numbers of patients presenting to hair stylists and dermatologists with human head lice. Infrequent hair washing, sharing of combs within the home and at the hair salon is known to contribute to transmission of this ectoparasite.  It has been noticed that a significant number of those affected have natural untreated hair suggesting that chemical straighteners used in the past may have reduced the presence of head lice . Apart from the discomfort and stigmatization associated with head lice it had also been associated with some re-emerging infections emphasizing the need for awareness on this rising trend. A high index of suspicion together with appropriate diagnostic acumen is necessary to identify human head lice infestation especially in the natural black African hair with its peculiarities. We have observed that many patients have resorted to using chemical hair straighteners in an attempt to treat and prevent head lice infestation due to anecdotal reports and general belief of the population of its effectiveness. There is a need for proper treatment of this condition so as to prevent the unwanted side effects of these chemicals.

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