The prevalence and intensity of external and internal parasites in working donkeys (Equus asinus) in Egypt

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:2018
Authors:M. M. Attia, Khalifa, M. M., Atwa, M. Th.
Journal:Veterinary World
Date Published:Sep-2018
ISSN:0972-8988, 2231-0916
Keywords:arthropods, donkeys, Egypt, external parasites, Helminths, Internal parasites, protozoa.

Aim: This study aims to record and update the prevalence and intensity of external and internal parasites in working donkeys (Equus asinus) in Egypt during the period from January to December 2017.

Materials and Methods: A total of 120 donkeys (10 donkeys each month) were examined at Giza zoo abattoir through bimonthly visits. The examined donkeys were obtained from five governorates (Giza [20], Fayoum [40], Beni Suef [30], Monofia [20], and Assiut [10]). The animals were grouped according to age and sex.

Results: All examined donkeys were positive with at least one internal or even external parasitic species. The overall prevalence rate was 100%. A total of 11 helminths species (10 nematodes and 1 metacestode); 7 protozoal and 7 arthropod species were collected. The number of each parasite and intensity of infection with regard to age and sex was recorded.

Conclusion: All examined donkeys were infected with parasites with an overall prevalence of 100%. So, we recommended following up and continuous treatment of such diseased animal.

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