Wolbachia Endosymbiant Was Not Detected in Field Collected Population of Head and Body Lice From Iran Using Molecular Markers

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:2020
Authors:S. Firooziyan, Sadaghianifar, A., Ghahvechi_Khaligh, F., Oshaghi, M. Ali, Gholizadeh, S.
Journal:Research Square
Pagination:7 pp
Type of Article:Pre-print
Keywords:Endosymbiant, Iran, Molecular Detection

Objectives Head lice infection can lead to inferiority, depression, insomnia, and lack of education, loss of social status, secondary infections, hair removal, and allergies. Body lice can carry dangerous diseases such as typhus, trench fever, and recurrent fever. Studies on lice control due to pesticides, inappropriate drug use, pesticide risks, and pesticide resistance in the lice population are needed. The study of insect symbiotic microorganisms such as Wolbachia is a new approach to control the vector-borne disease.

ResultsThe presence of this bacterium was investigated in head and body lice collected from the Iranian lice population. Genomic DNA was extracted from both lice specimens and PCR assay was performed to the detection of Wolbachia infection by using Wsp, coxA, and gatB primers. All PCR results were negative for Wolbachia in comparison with positive controls. Further studies should be performed using new molecular markers to determine the Wolbachia infection of lice.

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