Infestation rate of lice on donkeys in Northeast Tunisia

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:2020
Authors:M. Gharbi, Hamzaoui, S., Hafsi, A., Saidani, Z., Jedidi, M.
Journal:Veterinary Parasitology: Regional Studies and Reports
Date Published:Jan-2020
Keywords:Bovicola ocellatus, lice, North Africa, Tunisia

The present survey was carried out during autumn 2013 (September, October and November) in five localities of Jendouba district. A total number of 300 donkeys were examined and all present ectoparasites found on animals were collected and examined under stereomicroscope. The infestation rate by lice was estimated to 12.7% (38/300) there was no difference between infestation rates in males (11.5%; 22/192) and females (14.8%; 16/108). The highest infestation rate was observed in donkeys aged between 10 and 14 years, they represented 19.6% of the infested donkeys. Two lice species were collected with no statistically difference between the two infestation rates: Haematopinus asini (4%; 12/300) and Bovicola ocellatus (5.3%; 16/300). The lice were collected from donkeys of the five regions with no statistically difference between the infestation rates. A specific programme to control these parasites is recommended to improve the welfare of the working donkeys in Tunisia and in other North African countries

Short Title:Vet Parasitol Reg Stud Reports
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