Evolution, Prehistory and Vitamin D

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:2020
Authors:P. Jarrett, Scragg R.
Journal:International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Date Published:Jan-2020
Type of Article:Open Access
Keywords:Africa, Clothing, Evolution, folate, human, louse, Migration, technology, vitamin D

Aspects of human evolutionary biology and prehistory are discussed in relation to vitamin D. The evolution of hairlessness, combined with the need for efficient eccrine sweat production for cooling, provided evolutionary pressure to protect the skin from ultraviolet damage by developing cutaneous pigmentation. There was a subsequent loss of pigmentation as humans journeyed to northern latitudes. Their increasing mastery of technology outstripped evolution’s finite pace as further dispersal occurred around the globe. A timeline for the development of clothing to provide warmth, and the consequent shielding from ultraviolet light, which diminished vitamin D synthesis, can be inferred by an examination of mutations in the human louse.

Short Title:Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health
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