Epidemiology of head lice with reference to diagnosis and treatment

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:2020
Authors:M. Zubair, Ashraf, T., Khadim, S., Bilal, M., Javaid, F., Mustfa, W., Razzaq, T., Riaz, M., Nafees, M.
Journal:International European Extended Enablement in Science, Engineering & Management (IEEESEM)
Date Published:Feb-2020
Keywords:Human head lice, lice species in Narowal

Head lice infestation is the infection caused by the lice in any part of the body i.e. on the head, skin etc. head lice is the insect which is very small in size of about 1-3 mm in length. There is significant history of the head lice from different countries of the world including the Pakistan. It has been studied due to the infestations caused by it and by knowing it we can found the proper treatment for it. The prevalence rate is more in the females as compare to the males. Different epidemiological and the histopathology characters of the head lice have also mentioned. The clinical manifestations are mentioned in our research article. The development includes the nits, nymph and the adult stages. The head lice infestation includes the loss of the energy, the increase in the nervousness, skin inflammation etc. We conducted the survey in the selected regions of the Narowal and mostly we collected data from the schools (Government and private).Pictorial key has been used for identification of head lice. There are different behavior shown by the head lice including the feeding, transmission and the position on the host etc. it has five mitochondrial clades i.e A, B, C, D and E. the diagnosis methods includes the use of the chemicals, instruments such as comb and the other organisms such as mite. Treatments include the use of the substances (methionine, Lindane, Carbaryl, Crotamiton etc), chemicals, head lice resistant products, instruments such as we comb, oral products and the head lice repellants. The chemicals and the substances are used in different amount. The oral products are used indifferent doses. Some of these chemicals and the substances requires the use of the antibiotics along with.

Short Title:IEEE-SEM
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