Ectoparasitic Burden of Lice Infestations in Local and Exotic Breeds of Chickens in Maiduguri, Nigeria

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:2021
Authors:M. Konto, Mohammed, K. M., Ahmed, M. I., Mustapha, M., Kyari, F.
Journal:Journal of Veterinary Medicine and Research
Issue:(1): 1211
Pagination:5 pp
Date Published:Sept-2021
Keywords:chickens, ectoparasites, lice, Maiduguri, Nigeria

Introduction: This research was designed in order to determine the ectoparasitic burden of lice infestation in local and exotic breed of chickens and the relationships between age, sex, and management status of the infested and uninfested birds.

Methodology: A total of 515 chickens were examined at 12 different locations of Maiduguri and environs for the presence of lice in which the prevalence were obtained from each location; in order to determine the ectoparasitic burden of lice infestation in local and exotic breed of chickens and the relationships between age, sex, and management status of the infested and uninfested birds between April, 2018 and June, 2019.

Result: The overall prevalence of ectoparasitic burden of lice infestation in chickens from Maiduguri and its’ environments examined between April, 2018 and June, 2019 was 17.5% (90 infected) while 82.5% (425) were non-infected. In order of abundance, it was found that Menacanthus stramineus, Menopon gallinae, Lipeurus caponis, Goniodes gigas and Goniocotes gallinae, were the most commonly infestating lice of poultry in the study area. Female chickens were more infested 66 (22.2%) than their male counterparts 24 (11.0%) (P < 0.05). Adult chickens were more infested 82 (27.3%) than the younger ones 8 (3.7%) (P < 0.005). Exotic chickens were more exposed to lice infestation 66 (21.3%) than local chickens 24 (11.7%) (P < 0.05). Additionally, intensive managed chickens were more infested 69 (18.0%) than extensive managed chickens 21 (15.9%) (P > 0.05). The thigh and breast muscle predominate by habouring 51 (98.1%) of the biting lice, the vent recorded 23 (95.8%); while 14 (93.3%) was found under the wings.

Conclusion: It is highly imperative to investigate the presence of some hemoparasites associated with these lice species found on chickens in the study area in order to come-up with a comprehensive control and management of lousiness and lice associated parasites on chickens in the area.

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