Ancient human genomes and environmental DNA from the cement attaching 2,000 year-old head lice nits

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:2022
Authors:M. Winther Pedersen, Antunes, C., De Cahsan, B., Moreno-Mayar, J. Víctor, Sikora, M., Vinner, L., Mann, D., Klimov, P. B., Black, S., Michieli, C. Teresa, Braig, H. R., M. Perotti, A.
Journal:Molecular Biology and Evolution
Date Published:Dec-28-2021
ISSN:0737-4038, 1537-1719

Over the past few decades there has been a growing demand for genome analysis of ancient human remains. Destructive sampling is increasingly difficult to obtain for ethical reasons, and standard methods of breaking the skull to access the petrous bone or sampling remaining teeth are often forbidden for curatorial reasons. However, most ancient humans carried head lice and their eggs abound in historical hair specimens. Here we show that host DNA is protected by the cement that glues head lice nits to the hair of ancient Argentinian mummies, 1,500–2,000 years old. The genetic affinities deciphered from genome-wide analyses of this DNA inform that this population migrated from north-west Amazonia to the Andes of central-west Argentina; a result confirmed using the mitochondria of the host lice. The cement preserves ancient environmental DNA of the skin, including the earliest recorded case of Merkel Cell Polyomavirus. We found that the percentage of human DNA obtained from nit cement equals human DNA obtained from the tooth, yield two-fold compared to a petrous bone, and four-fold to a bloodmeal of adult lice a millennium younger. In metric studies of sheaths, the length of the cement negatively correlates with the age of the specimens, while hair linear distance between nit and scalp informs about the environmental conditions at the time before death. Ectoparasitic lice sheaths can offer an alternative, non-destructive source of high-quality ancient DNA from a variety of host taxa where bones and teeth are not available and reveal complementary details of their history.

Note: the attached 95612 pdf is not the final but a published review version of the paper. 95612 published copy.pdf is the final published paper.

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