Disorders of Skin in New World Camelids

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:2022
Authors:A. Faraz, Rashid, S., Ashraf, R., Javed, A., Zia, D.
Journal:International Journal of Camel Science
Type of Article:Review article
Keywords:erosions, Fleece, foot pad, interdigital space, papilloma

Lengthier and denser alpaca hair coat reaches the extremities. Tail, neck, and proximolateral limbs are covered in long, dense hair. In llama hair, thick primary guard hairs are paired with finer secondary hairs. Camels have fewer sweat glands than new world Camelids to
conserve water. The epidermis of foot pads is the thickest about 2mm. Suri alpacas have rare wrinkled or rolling skin. Rain rot usually affects the neck, ears, rump, feet, and back. Dermatophytosis requires clipping and cleaning. Sarcoptic burrows into the epidermis causing
popular dermatitis. The face, neck, ear pinnae, axillae, medial upper limbs, and inguinal regions are most commonly affected. The erythema and crusting are more pronounced in zinc-responsive dermatosis. Otitis externa is a new disease in the US. Neurological disorders, head tilt, and ear droop, indicate deeper infestation of infection. Chorioptic mange affects the heel and dorsal interdigital skin. The hide of camel is very important in the leather industry and fur increases the beauty of this miraculous animal so this article aims at extraction and diagnosis of the disorders of camels.

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Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith