Preliminary data on the parasitofauna of seals (Carnivora: Phocidae) from the Baltic Sea

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:2019
Authors:L. Rolbiecki, Izdebska, J. N., Kuczkowski, T., Dzido, J., Fryderyk, S., Kozina, P., Pawliczka, I., Cierocka, K.
Journal:Annals of Parasitology
Issue:Supplement 1
ISSN:eISSN 2300-6706 ISSN 2299-0631
Keywords:Echinophthirus horridus

Paper is an abstract presentation of The 25rd Congress of the Polish Parasitological Society, Warsaw, 9-12 September 2019, session The Young Researcher's competition

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