Host and geographic records of ectoparasites from Alaskan seabirds (Charadriiformes: Alcidae and Laridae)

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:1982
Authors:E. P. Hoberg, Wehle D. H. S.
Journal:Canadian Journal of Zoology
Date Published:Mar-01-1982
ISSN:0008-4301, 1480-3283

Host and geographic records are presented for ectoparasites collected from seabirds in Alaska. Ectoparasites of three major groups were recovered: Mallophaga, represented by the genera Saemundssonia (S. fraterculae, S. montereyi, and Saemundssonia sp.) and Quadraceps (Q. antigua, and Quadraceps sp.); Siphonaptera, represented by a single specimen of Ceratophyllus v. vagabundus; and Acari, represented by the genus Ixodes (I. uriae and I. signatus). These ectoparasites along with specimens of unidentified free-living oribatid mites were found infesting species of Alcidae and Laridae (Charadriiformes) at localities in the Gulf of Alaska and the Bering and Chukchi seas.

On trouvera ici la liste des ectoparasites recueillis chez des oiseaux marins en Alaska. Les ectoparasites recueillis appartiennent à trois groupes: les Mallophages, Saemundssonia (S. fraterculae, S. montereyi et Saemundssonia sp.) et Quadraceps (Q. antigua et Quadraceps sp.), les Siphonapt&res, reprCsentCs par un seul individu de Ceratophyllus v. vagabundus et les Acariens, reprCsentCs par le genre Ixodes (I. uriae et I. signatus). Ces ectoparasites de mgme que des acariens oribates libres non identifiCs ont CtC rouvCs chez des Alcidae et des Laridae (Charadriiformes) du golfe d' Alaska, de la mer de Bering et de la mer de Chukchi

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Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith