Stray Notes on the features of ischnoceran louse, Brueelia amandavae Infesting Red Avadavat, Amandava amandava (Ploceidae, Passeriformes)

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:2018
Authors:N. Gupta
Journal:Annals of Entomology
Date Published:June 2018
Keywords:Avian lce, biting lice, Brueelia amandavae

Present report supplements further information on the morphological features (SEM based) and site of occurrence of ischnoceran
louse, Brueelia amandavae infesting red avadavat, Amandava amandava. Analysis of its crop contents further reveals that louse is a feather feeder and is also not involved in cannibalism/ predation

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