The eggshell morphology of Heterodoxus spiniger., infesting dog, Canis familiaris (Boopidae, Mallophaga)

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:2009
Authors:S. Tyagi, Gupta, N., Joshi, V. D., Rashmi, A., Arya, G., Saxena, A. Kumar
Journal:Journal of Applied and Natural Science
Date Published:Jun-01-2009
ISSN:2231-5209, 0974-9411
Keywords:canis familiaris, Dog louse, egg morphology, Phthirapteran egg

The egg chorion of the dog louse Heterodoxus spiniger bears pentagonal / rectangular scutes (scale like sculpturing) arranged obliquely. The opercular disc of the egg bears tall cup shaped micropyles which unite to give ridge like appearance. The centre of the disc bears short thick rod like polar thread.

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