Morphologic Character of Haematopinus Sp. Nymph and Mature Stadium of Fries Holland Cow from Jember with SEM (Scanning Electron Microscope)

Publication Type:Conference Proceedings
Year of Conference:2018
Authors:A. Awaluddin, Nugraheni, Y. Ratna, Kurniasih,, Subagja, H.
Conference Name:3rd International Conference of Computer, Environment, Agriculture, Social Science, Health Science, Engineering and Technology (ICEST 2018)
Date Published:Jan-01-2018
Publisher:SCITEPRESS - Science and Technology Publications
Conference Location:Indonesia
Keywords:ectoparasites, insect, Phthiriasis, SEM

Haematopinus is the biggest parasite of insect family of domestic animal having all lifecycles in the female, and can only live some hours out of the female body. This research aims at seeing the ultra-structural difference of nymph stadium with Haematopinus sp. of mature insect facing Fries Holland (FH) from Jember district based on morphologic identification key of Meleney and Kim. Samples of nymph stadium and mature insect of Haematopinus sp. was taken from tail end area, perineum vulvae, area, and around eyes of 5 Fries Holland (FH) cows of each infected cow from Jember district. The samples were identified based on morphologic identification key of Meleney and Kim and did Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) of part of caput and abdomen. Results of morphologic identification and ultra-structure were analyzed descriptively. There are ultra-structural differences of nymph stadium from mature insect, especially ultra-structure of abdomen area. Nymph stadium has not been found in gonopod development; while, in mature insect, gonopod has developed and can be identified. SEM method can be used to change the morphologic identification, especially in a mature insect. Nymph and mature insect of Haematopinus sp. in Fries Holland (FH) from Jember district are Haematopinus quadripertusus species

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