Polyplax oxyrrhyncha Cummings, 1915 and P. brachyrrhyncha Cummings, 1915 (Anoplura: Polyplacidae) two species new to the fauna of Greece, collected on Acomys minous Bate, 1906 (Rodentia: Muridae)

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:2005
Authors:R. Haitlinger
Journal:Turkish Journal of Entomology
Keywords:Crete, fauna, Greece

Polyplax oxyrrhyncha Cummings, 1915 and P. brachyrrhyncha Cummings, 1915 (Anoplura: Polyplacidae) two species of lice were found in Crete. Both species were obtained from Acomys minous Bate, 1906 (Rodentia: Muridae). The species are new to the fauna of Greece and also are recorded for the first time from Europe. A. minous is a new host for these species.

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