Surface distribution of pyrethroids following topical application to veterinary species: Implications for lateral transport

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:2020
Authors:W. Bäumer, Baynes R.
Journal:Journal of Veterinary Pharmacology and Therapeutics
Date Published:Sep-10-2020
ISSN:0140-7783, 1365-2885
Keywords:lateral transport, pyrethroi

Pyrethroids like permethrin have been used as topical formulations for their ectoparasiticidal effects since the 1970s. There are numerous efficacy studies in dogs and livestock animals that indicate a fast spread of pyrethroids after topical administration onto rather confined areas of the skin. Some studies correlate the efficacy against ticks, fleas or lice with concentrations of pyrethroids in hair and, less frequently, stratum corneum samples. It is often stated that lateral transport is responsible for the distribution of the pyrethroids over the body surface. With this review, we attempt to demonstrate evidence for lateral transport of pyrethroids after topical administration in dogs, cattle and sheep and to present data gaps that should be addressed in follow-up studies.

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