Community pharmacists’ perceptions and role in the management of common dermatological problems in Lebanon: a cross-sectional study

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:2021
Authors:B. Chahine, Cherfane, M., Sakr, F., Safwan, J., Dabbous, M., Akel, M., Rahal, M.
Journal:International Journal of Pharmacy Practice
Date Published:Aug-28-2021
ISSN:0961-7671, 2042-7174
Keywords:attitude, community pharmacist, dermatology, perception, Skin Diseases

Abstract Objective To explore the types and frequency of dermatologic disorders routinely encountered by community pharmacists in Lebanon, identify their educational preparedness and confidence, reasons for referrals to dermatologists and their attitude toward the potential pharmacist role in the treatment of dermatologic disorders.

Methods A cross-sectional descriptive study was conducted between June and October 2017. It involved the use of a self-administered questionnaire, distributed to a randomly selected sample of 500 community pharmacists from all Lebanese districts.

Key findings A total of 456 pharmacists completed the questionnaire. Sixty-four per cent of participants had received a dermatology course at university and 38.7% had undertaken some form of postgraduate education in dermatology. Pharmacists believed that the most commonly encountered disorders were sunburn (22.6%) and acne (15.6%) during spring/summer and skin dryness (18.8%) followed by head lice (13.1%) during autumn/winter. Additionally, more than half of respondents reported that skin-related advice requests were 6–15% of the total advice offered to patients. Sixty-four per cent were confident or extremely confident in advising patients with dermatological complaints. Pharmacists ranked ‘unsure of diagnosis’ as the most common reason for patient referral to dermatologists. Pharmacists who received postgraduate dermatology training had higher self-reported confidence in tackling skin diseases and their treatments (P < 0.05).

Conclusions Our study revealed that community pharmacists in Lebanon commonly encounter a limited number of dermatologic disorders and the majority believed that they can confidently advise and manage patients. Nonetheless, they admitted a gap in their dermatology education at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels.

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