Seasonal population dynamics of the common chewing lice Columbicola columbae infesting the domestic pigeon Columba livia

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:2023
Authors:D. Soliman, Adly, E., Nasser, M. Gamal El- D., Shehata, M., Kamal, M.
Date Published:Oct-26-2022
ISSN:0030-5316, 2157-8745
Keywords:Seasonal population

The biological and ecological factors experienced across the lifespan by the bird hosts affect the seasonal dynamics of their ectoparasites. The seasonal population of Columbicola columbae which infests the domestic pigeon Columba livia domestica, in Egypt was studied across four seasons in Cairo, Egypt. 25 pairs (25 ♀ and 25 ♂) of Columba livia domestica were visually assessed for chewing lice infestation, twice a month for one year from March 1st 2019 to February 28th, 2020. Life stages (nymphs and adults) of C. columbae were represented across the four seasons. Environmental conditions such as temperature and humidity play a significant role in shaping the population dynamic of this ectoparasite. The intensity rate of C. columbae displayed the highest peak of 78.65 ± 15.28 in autumn, followed by 59.67 ± 20.58 in summer, 26.65 ± 16.66 in winter, and finally 18.65 ± 7.41 in spring. The infestation level of lice was much higher on females (93.64 ± 7.53) than males (81.40 ± 8.70) pigeons. The fluctuations in C. columbae population intensity on pigeons could be related to external environmental factors and host-related factors, which are affected by the season.

Reprint Edition:Online Oct-26-2022
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