Acetic acid and the skin: a review of vinegar in dermatology

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:2022
Authors:K. G. Elhage, Claire, K. St., Daveluy, S.
Journal:International Journal of Dermatology
Date Published:July 2022
ISSN:0011-9059, 1365-4632

Vinegar is commonly used as a home remedy for many skin problems. It is important for dermatologists to understand the evidence supporting its use in skin disease, as well as potential adverse effects, so they can properly counsel patients on the safe use of this widely available treatment. Vinegar possesses antimicrobial and antioxidant properties that provide utility in wound care as well as bacterial and fungal infections. There is also evidence to support its use in pruritus, head lice removal, and treatment of striae gravidarum. While generally safe, inappropriate use can result in damage to the skin. In this review, we discuss the evidence supporting vinegar as a treatment for skin disease, as well as adverse events reported from misuse, to provide dermatologists the knowledge to counsel patients on the safe and appropriate use of vinegar.

Reprint Edition:First published online: 05 August 2021
Tue, 2022-11-29 17:10 -- Yokb
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