Comparative efficacy of permethrin 1%, lindane 1%, and dimeticone 4% for the treatment of head louse infestation in Iran

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:2020
Authors:H. Kassiri, Fahdani, A. Ebrahimi, Cheraghian, B.
Journal:Environmental Science and Pollution Research
Date Published:Sep-12-2020
ISSN:0944-1344, 1614-7499
Keywords:Children, Dimeticone, head lice, Iran, lindane, Pediculosis, Permethrin, Primary schools

Pediculosis capitis occurs worldwide. Children in the age group of 5-13 years are the ordinary victims. Population-based studies show that the prevalence of pediculosis is 1.6-13.4% in various regions of Iran. In this observer-blinded trial, we conducted a study to evaluate the comparative efficacy and safety of permethrin 1% and lindane 1% shampoos and dimeticone 4% lotion to cure head lice infestation in children aged 7-13 years in female primary schools in Ahvaz City, Iran. Children with head lice were randomized to receive each treatment. Two applications of permethrin 1% or dimeticone 4% were done, 1 week apart. However, lindane 1% was used just once for treatment cases. Data analysis was done using SPSS software. Recovery differences between the groups were tested using the chi-squared test. Four hundred forty-four louse-infested schoolgirls were randomly treated with them. Permethrin, lindane, dimeticone, and placebo produced the recovery rates 56.8, 31.5, 51.4, and 10.8% on day 2 post-treatment, respectively. Cure rates were in the permethrin group on days 8 and 15, respectively, 69.4 and 90.1%. The success rates were in the lindane group on days 8 and 15, respectively, 73 and 86.5%. The success rates were in the dimeticone group on days 8 and 15, respectively, 60.4 and 94.6%. It is recommended dimeticone lotion (4%) as a very effective and safe pediculicide for pediculosis control. With proper application, dimethicone can rapidly cure head lice infestation with minimal reinfestation.

Short Title: Environ Sci Pollut Res Int
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