Personal Hygiene Practices and Morbidity Pattern among A Tribal Primary School Children Of Maharashtra

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:2021
Authors:A. Wasudeo Khobragade, Nagrale, N., Junaid, M.
Journal:Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology,
Date Published:Jan-07-2021
ISSN:0973-9122, 0973-9130
Keywords:Morbidity, Personal Hygiene, primary school, tribal

Background: Scholastic performance of the child depends upon the overall health of the child.

Methods:A cross sectional study was conducted among 162 tribal school children.

Results: Prevalence of anaemia was 54.9%. Second most common morbidity was dental caries (31.48%) followed by underweight (27.77%) Head louse infestation was common among girl students.

Conclusions: Most common morbidities present among primary school children of a tribal school were anaemia, dental caries, underweight and refractive errors. Girl students had better hygiene than boy

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